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Clean Code Sonar Lint Java

Coding Guidelines

1. Sections of code should not be commented out (java:S125)


Programmers should not comment out code as it bloats programs and reduces readability.

Unused code should be deleted and can be retrieved from source control history if required.

Standard outputs should not be used directly to log anything (java:S106)


When logging a message there are several important requirements which must be fulfilled:
• The user must be able to easily retrieve the logs
• The format of all logged message must be uniform to allow the user to easily read the log
• Logged data must actually be recorded
• Sensitive data must only be logged securely

If a program directly writes to the standard outputs, there is absolutely no way to comply with those requirements. That's why defining and using a dedicated logger is highly recommended.

Noncompliant Code Example
System.out.println("My Message");  // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution
logger.log("My Message");



Classes should not be empty (java:S2094)


There is no good excuse for an empty class. If it's being used simply as a common extension point, it should be replaced with an interface. If it was stubbed in as a placeholder for future development it should be fleshed-out. In any other case, it should be eliminated.

Noncompliant Code Example

public class Nothing {  // Noncompliant

Compliant Solution

public interface Nothing {


Empty classes can be used as marker types (for Spring for instance), therefore empty classes that are annotated will be ignored.

public final class ApplicationConfiguration {



Unused assignments should be removed (java:S1854)


A dead store happens when a local variable is assigned a value that is not read by any subsequent instruction. Calculating or retrieving a value only to then overwrite it or throw it away, could indicate a serious error in the code. Even if it's not an error, it is at best a waste of resources. Therefore all calculated values should be used.

Noncompliant Code Example

i = a + b; // Noncompliant; calculation result not used before value is overwritten
i = compute();

Compliant Solution

i = a + b;
i += compute();


This rule ignores initializations to -1, 0, 1, null, true, false and "".


Unnecessary imports should be removed (java:S1128)


The imports part of a file should be handled by the Integrated Development Environment (IDE), not manually by the developer.

Unused and useless imports should not occur if that is the case.

Leaving them in reduces the code's readability, since their presence can be confusing.

Noncompliant Code Example


import java.lang.String;        // Noncompliant; java.lang classes are always implicitly imported
import;    // Noncompliant; same-package files are always implicitly imported
import;            // Noncompliant; File is not used

import my.company2.SomeType;
import my.company2.SomeType;    // Noncompliant; 'SomeType' is already imported

class ExampleClass {

  public String someString;
  public SomeType something;



Local variables should not be declared and then immediately returned or thrown (java:S1488)


Declaring a variable only to immediately return or throw it is a bad practice.

Some developers argue that the practice improves code readability, because it enables them to explicitly name what is being returned. However, this variable is an internal implementation detail that is not exposed to the callers of the method. The method name should be sufficient for callers to know exactly what will be returned.

Noncompliant Code Example

public long computeDurationInMilliseconds() {
  long duration = (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60 + seconds ) * 1000 ;
  return duration;

public void doSomething() {
  RuntimeException myException = new RuntimeException();
  throw myException;

Compliant Solution

public long computeDurationInMilliseconds() {
  return (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60 + seconds ) * 1000 ;

public void doSomething() {
  throw new RuntimeException();

This error comes in my code when I am storing the result of the function in a fucntion
then returning the variale the good coding practice is just to return the values irrespective of
storing the values in a separate variables


public static String getCurrentDate() {

String currentDate=localdate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy"));

return currentDate;


How I improved my code


public static String getCurrentDate() {
LocalDate localdate =;

return localdate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy"));




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