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Sonar Qube Quickstart

Software Characterstics

1. Specific Conventions followed or not
2. Good Practices are being followed and bad practices have been avoided.
3. Are there any potential bugs and performance issues and security vulnerabilities
4. Is there any duplicate code.
5. public API has good information or not
6. unit tests
7.good design and architecture principles

Static Code Analysis:

1. It is similar to compiler warnings
2. Static code analysis is like a white box testing looks at appliacations in non-runtime environments.
3. It is considered as a way to automate the code review process.
4. Detecting errors in programs
5. Recommending code formatiing if the source code follows the code formatting accepted in your company.

Static Code Analysis Tools:-

1. FindBugs :- It is better than PMD and CheckStyle
It helps in detecting the potential bugs and performance issues.

2. PMD:- Main focus --> Bad practices

3. Checkstyle  --> Main focus --> Conventions

4. HP Fortify:- Main focus --> security Vulnerabilities


1. Combination of static and dynamic analysis Tools.
2.SonarQube addresses not just bugs but also coding rules, test coverage, duplications, API documentation, complexity, and architecture, providing all these details in a dashboard


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