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Steps to Create TestCase AMLACTGLIBMAE

1. Go to SearchPage and goto function gotoAMLACTGLIBMAE there find the element new Request and clik on the new Request for the AMLACTBLIBMAE

2. com.wokon.pages.actions.amlactglibmae
3. Inside the above package create the class -->
4. Create package --> com.workon.pages.locatos.amlactglibmae 
5. Inside the above package create a class -->

6. Now to got src/test/java --> com.workon.testcases.generic

7. Create the testcase class --->

8. Now go to
create the constructor and initialize the locator class using the 
--> AjaxElementLocatorFactory and PageFactory.initElements

9. Now find all the locators needed to create the request and store it in a sublime text file

10. Move all the locators to the locators file 

11. Go to Testcase --> BeforeClass and AfterClass and @Test 
12. Create the test for amalactglibmaeRequestCreation --> create the DashboardPage object
13. gotoSearchbox --> gotoSearchPage --> call the method for request creation
14. write something in the Request Creation file and test it is working fine

15. Now Start working on the RequestCreation Java class and finish the request creation

16. Take the code to delete an item from STGA
17. Take the Approver code from STGA or any other applciation
18. Test complete maven clean test
19. create jar file and test it is working as JAR file too.


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